Emotive videos

To evoke emotion, inspire and activate.

To recruit new students and increase the engagement of current students.


  1. Form/concept is a factor, content and form are of equal importance.
  2. Not scalable: every production is made to measure.

Incidental, peaks.

Recruitment video, commercial, brand film, documentary.


A filmed report in which the form carries more weight than in a normal report. A mini documentary series, for example, can be used to tell a student’s story, to explain the goal of a degree programme or to tell a special story that relates to TU Delft.

Trends & Context

A filmed report in which the form carries more weight than in a normal report. A mini documentary series, for example, can be used to tell a student’s story, to explain the goal of a degree programme or to tell a special story that relates to TU Delft.

Commercial & recruitment film

A rousing single-message video that makes compelling viewing for a large audience, often via advertising. At TU Delft, this form is mainly used for recruitment purposes, including indirect recruitment, for example by promoting the TU Delft brand among a certain target group.

Trends & Context

The concept is crucial, because in this form of video it is vital to stand out from the crowd. However, this insight is as old as the hills. Even though it is true, there’s more to it than that.

New generations are stimulated daily by thousands of pieces of content. Joining in the rat race to produce the most stimulating piece is a tough competition. Moreover, the new generations know very well how to get round classic commercials. So you need to make something that will in the first place really benefit the viewer, and benefit you in second place. Doing this puts you on the same wavelength as the generation that TU Delft wants to appeal to.

Saying too much has less to do with the number of words than the difference between them. An appealing clip contains one single communication line. Understanding of the clip is drastically reduced when multiple communication messages have to vie for attention. The result: no attention.

Brand film

A video in which the TU Delft brand makes a statement. This may be about the core values of the organisation, the mission, vision or a social theme.

Trends & Context

By definition the video says something about the sender, it acts as a visiting card. This form is increasingly seen as the longer version of a commercial, in which there is scope for more layers.

This type of film often initially serves an internal goal – for example to raise enthusiasm among new colleagues or students, but these days it is more often being published externally, as there is more of a demand to know the intentions of organisations. A brand film is about intentions.

A brand film is often about abstract concepts, such as the core values of an organisation. Visualising such concepts is challenging, making it expensive. This is because if the visualisation is too abstract, it takes away the emotions and undermines the goals of the video.