Yared Pijman

"Also as an active member and former board member of S.V. LIFE I’ve come familiar with X and everything it has to offer – a LOT."

I’ve been coming...

...to X for almost five years visiting the gym and playing for Ariston ’80. Also as an active member and former board member of S.V. LIFE I’ve come familiar with X and everything it has to offer – a LOT. Just some time ago I started working at X as a programme assistent. I help organising a wide variety of events such as the Money and Taxes: Life Hacks event in April and the Fermentation Festival in June.

Why I think...

...organising an event about money these days is important? Well, inflation is rising through the roofs, tuition fees have skyrocketed and especially in these past years, the government has been looking away when it comes to supporting students. So much inequality is created nowadays making some students not even able to study anymore due to financial limitation, something that if you ask me should be avoided at all ‘costs’.

If you ask me...

....I think I have two simple life hacks considering money: first, try to set aside ten percent of all money that comes in. Even if you split a bill and get back many Tikkies, set ten percent of all those Tikkies aside. You’ll find yourself saving more and more money this way.


...consider the fact that you don’t have to buy everything ‘new’. There are so many products available at thrift shops, only stores like Marktplaats, Too Good To for your food; there’s really no limit. The nice thing about this is not only saving money, but it’s also more sustainable.

The Money & Taxes: Life Hacks event...

...will be one of the first that I will organise at X. In this event I have invited an accountant to lecture on how taxes work and help you out with all kinds of tips and tricks. He can also help (international) students with their tax admission. We really want to make this an interactive Q&A session, so keep following our socials to send in your questions. The event is free of charge and a drink will be included, so make sure to come if you’re interested in.

I help organising a wide variety of events such as the Money and Taxes: Life Hacks event in April and the Fermentation Festival in June.

Yared Pijman

Master student Life Science & Technology and Programme Assistent at X