The TU Delft Sports Engineering Institute explores how technology can enhance the performance of top athletes. From materials and design to clothing and equipment, TU Delft collaborates with partners to discover how technology can lead to better, more efficient performance. Our research also contributes to the development of new products and services that make sports more enjoyable to watch and encourage people to engage in physical activity themselves.

The Sports Engineering Institute celebrates her 10th anniversary

We are so happy to look back on an incredible event – eXplore | A Decade of Sports Innovation!
The day was filled with inspiring talks, groundbreaking innovations, and a celebration of the remarkable progress we've made over the past ten years. From pioneering new technologies to enhancing performance, the projects showcased at the event are a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity in sports engineering.

This special video highlights some of the most memorable moments and innovations from the past decade.

A special thank you to all the speakers, participants, and organizers who made this event possible. Your passion and dedication continue to drive the future of sports innovation and we are excited about the continued journey of innovation in sports.