
145 resultaten

Electricity from biogas

Electricity from biogas

Domestic waste lights up rural areas in Africa For people living in the rural areas of developing countries access to electricity is often…


Teaching Urbanism, Landscape Architecture, and Geomatics The department of Urbanism is involved in various degree programs – in and outside…

Thomas Hoppe

Thomas Hoppe

Thomas Hoppe is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, TU Delft. His research focus is ‘Governance of…

Sustainable Urban Energy Systems Conference

Sustainable Urban Energy Systems Conference

Technological prospects, citizen involvement and governance arrangements 8 - 9 November 2018 TU Delft Science Centre Home Program Keynote…

Polymeric nanowires for diagnosis of tropical diseases

Polymeric nanowires for diagnosis of tropical diseases

Mosquito-transmitted tropical virus fevers such as Zika and Dengue are an everyday risk in many countries. With increased trade and travel…

“Living labs important for solving social issues”

“Living labs important for solving social issues” May 2018 - By: Jurjen Slump Every university - including TU Delft – or a big city…

Full list of dissertations

Dissertations by people in the DfS group, or supervised by one of the faculty members of the DfS group, ordered by current sub-themes in the…


Complex Systems Engineering and Management is a full-time two-year Master's programme in English. The curriculum comprises two years of two…

DiTTLAB office space officially open!

DiTTLAB office space officially open!

15 February 2018 The official opening of teh new DiTTLAB office space has been on the agenda for a long time (because it has been around now…

Working towards steady sources of renewable energy

Working towards steady sources of renewable energy

Veronica Torri started her Master’s in Chemical Engineering at TU Delft two years ago. For her thesis, she decided to work with the…