Stevin Laboratory: Micro2Macro

In this facility scientific and applied experimental research on various scales is conducted on engineering materials and structures used for buildings, civil and offshore (infra)structures. The infrastructure has state-of-the-art equipment and is unique in Europe because of its ability to go from small scale material properties to full scale structural failure tests. Also, research on innovative recycling techniques is carried out. The experimental results are used to develop and validate models for material and structural response. 

The research in the facility aims at developing new scientific insights in behaviour of materials and structures, under existing and new loads and conditions, which lead to innovations. Alternatively, new materials and techniques are tested in representative conditions to allow upscaling to industrial levels and/or validate their suitability and provide the basis for inclusion in Standards and Codes.

The target user group of these infrastructures are researchers, from universities, research institutions, government organisations and research departments from engineering firms, interested in testing engineering materials and structures on various scales, under controlled loading and environmental conditions including those that closely resemble real life and extreme conditions. 

The users study safety and reliability of structures through the scales, as well as the behaviour of (new) materials under (simulated) service and extreme conditions.

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