Coronavirus update: a fresh start

News - 25 August 2021 - Communication

The press conference of Friday 13 August has no major consequences for X. This means we can start the academic year with a more or less full programme! However, the existing safety measures continue to apply and the number of people allowed in many indoor areas remains limited. Some of the changing rooms and showers will be reopening and more lockers will be made available.

Are you curious to learn what X will be offering from 6 September? See the full range here.
And... from Monday 30 August to Friday 3 September, you will have the chance to try out a large part of our range for free! You can find more information about the Free Try-Outs here.

Safety measures
Despite the easing of the restrictions in education, the current safety measures will continue to apply at X. This means you do not have to wear a face mask at X, but you should practise 1.5-metre social distancing. Only during team sports and contact sports may you disregard the 1.5-metre rule - football and volleyball, for example, or dancing. Also, the maximum number of people per room remains applicable. This means in particular that registration will continue to be required for several parts of our offer.

We are continuing to apply the current safety measures because X does not provide any teaching-related activities. We will adhere to the regulations that apply to publicly accessible locations, such as amenities for sport, culture, and art. We realise this sets us apart from the rest of the campus and that this will take some getting used to. Nonetheless, we ask you to bear this in mind and to observe the measures that apply at X.

Purchasing X subscriptions
If you wish to purchase an X subscription, the easiest way to do this is through the webshop. If you would prefer to buy one when you are at X, that is possible too. The ticket kiosks in the entrance hall (to the left of the hosts) have been reactivated. If you are unsure how to use them, the hosts will be happy to help.

Lockers, changing rooms, and showers
We have reopened lockers, changing rooms, and showers wherever corridors are wide enough to allow 1.5-metre social distancing. However, you are still advised to bring as few items as possible and should preferably get changed at home before coming to X.