
526 results

11 October 2018

‘Elevator’ wins Maassilo competition

‘Elevator’ wins Maassilo competition

BK alumnus Bram van Grinsven created the winning design for the idea competition of the roof of the Maassilo in Rotterdam. Van Grinsven proposes to construct a glass floor, protruding over the edge of the existing concrete structure: creating a floating hotspot 40 meters above the harbour of Rotterdam.

09 October 2018

‘Architecture is not what architectural historians write about it’

‘Architecture is not what architectural historians write about it’

The history of modern architecture is more than a list of exceptional buildings. We need to look at how buildings function, says PhD candidate Jorge Mejia Hernandez. If we concentrate on their theoretical significance, the history of architecture becomes a caricature.

08 October 2018

Eleni Chronopoulou nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

Eleni Chronopoulou nominated for TU Delft Best Graduate Award 2018

Eleni Chronopoulou graduated from BK Bouwkunde in the summer of 2018, with a thesis on how landscape architecture has the capacity to work as an integrative common ground. The BK alumna has been selected as the Best Graduate 2018 from the BK Bouwkunde.

08 October 2018

Mitigating value conflicts in business strategies

An open access tutorial will be developed to help creative professionals mitigate value conflicts in their business strategies. The joint research between BK Bouwkunde and Industrial Engineering will result in a tutorial.

27 September 2018

The formless public building

Paul Vermeulen has been appointed Professor of Architectural Design. Within the theme ‘urban architecture’, he will focus on the ‘formless public building’ in the city.

27 September 2018

Education innovation through VR

The VR-Lab of BK Bouwkunde developed two ground-breaking Multiple Reality projects, where Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are combined to inspire and to develop practical insights. The VR-Lab developed the Virtual Playground at the TU Delft Teaching Lab, and is continuing the innovation with an advanced MultiReality project.

27 September 2018

“Practice and theory are inseparable”

Nathalie de Vries has been appointed Professor of Architectural Design at the Chair of Public Building. She proposes to look upon the Chair as a collective knowledge source to feed the hungry student minds, and to produce output for the architectural community and beyond by furthering knowledge on how architectural design can contribute to pressing societal issues.

26 September 2018

Concrete cultural heritage

Concrete cultural heritage

Concrete heritage buildings from the 20th century are at risk, due to the late recognition of their value and the experimental use of materials and technologies. Barbara Lubelli and Silvia Naldini (AE+T) are part of an international research team, aiming to develop a multidisciplinary approach for historic concrete conservation.

26 September 2018

Hyperloop station for Amsterdam

Students of Building Technology worked on a series for designs for a Hyperloop station at Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena, in collaboration with ProRail. During the Innovation Expo on 4 October, they show what Hyperloop could mean for travellers, station, and the city.

25 September 2018

“Owner associations in Latin America deserve a better legal base”

“Owner associations in Latin America deserve a better legal base”

The property law in Ecuador and Colombia is a source of constant frustration for the functioning of owner associations, and therefor also for the maintenance of dwellings. The guidelines supporting self-government and prescribing the need for professional guidance fall short, concludes Rosa Donoso Gomez in her PhD thesis.

25 September 2018

Synergetic city as landscape

The city is an urban landscape system. The challenge is to not only address environmental challenges within that system, but to also make and keep the city liveable. To achieve this, urban design should be synergetic, concludes Nico Tillie in his PhD thesis.

13 September 2018

Analysis of social participation in adolescents with autism in high school settings

A BOLD Cities consortium of Alexander Koutamanis (MBE), Carolien Rieffe (Leiden University), and Els Blijd (Interpsy Groningen) has received a € 500.000,- NWO grant to develop new tools for the analysis and briefing of school building designs.

13 September 2018

Understanding the complexity of the energy transition in the Rotterdam/The Hague area

Carola Hein (Architecture) together with Jonge Honden received a € 15.000,- NWO KIEM subsidy to connect the analysis of spatial impact of the energy transition to that of new business models.

13 September 2018

Strengthening problem-based learning in South Asian Universities

Dick van Gameren and Nelson Mota are part of a consortium led by Aalto University, who have been awarded a 1 million-euro Erasmus+ grant to promote cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in capacity building in Higher Education.

13 September 2018

The Berlage ranked as #2 post-master worldwide

The Berlage ranked as #2 post-master worldwide

Spain-based platform Best Architecture Masters (BAM) has revealed its inaugural ranking of the best postgraduate architecture programs in the world. Based on the QS World University Ranking by Subject, the Berlage has been selected as the top 2 post-master programme for architecture and the built environment worldwide.

13 September 2018

Large research project towards circular area development

Large research project towards circular area development

During the next two years, the LDE Centre for Sustainability and the Wageningen Research University will conduct research towards circular area development. Professor Ellen van Bueren (MBE) will lead the project, with De Binckhorst area in The Hague serving as a case study for the development of scientific understanding and practical tools.

12 September 2018

Challenging landscape architecture

Challenging landscape architecture

Eric Luiten has been appointed Professor of Landscape Architecture. During his professorship, he will work towards connecting the landscape architectonic research and education with societal issues and partners from the professional field, to boost the Chair of Landscape Architecture and challenge its researchers and students.

12 September 2018

‘Architecture is not the sum of data’

Architects understand each other easily, but they often have trouble getting clients to understand their work. In her PhD thesis, Birgitte Hansen illustrates the thinking process and actions of architects in practice through a series of examples. She also makes tangible what role architects can play in decision-making processes.

12 September 2018

‘Without financial support from parents, no owner-occupied homes for Chinese youth’

‘Without financial support from parents, no owner-occupied homes for Chinese youth’

Young people who want to buy a home in China, are dependent from their parents to a large extent, according to Wenjing Deng. According to her PhD thesis, government policies should invest more into the development of a healthy rental market for housing, to make young people less dependent of their parents.

12 September 2018

Most neighbourhoods do not easily change

Most neighbourhoods do not easily change

The popular notion that city neighbourhoods easily develop into popular neighbourhoods for young professionals or unsafe ghetto’s is not true. Although some Dutch neighbourhoods have gone through the process of deterioration or gentrification, most city neighbourhoods remain stable in their ethnical and social economic composition, concludes Merle Zwiers in her PhD thesis.

30 August 2018

Understanding heritage values to design sustainable cities

Understanding heritage values to design sustainable cities

Ana Pereira Roders is Professor of Heritage and Values. The Chair of Heritage and Values focuses on further understanding the values that define heritage, such as cultural, social, ecological, and economic; and how they impact the sustainability of cities. One of the main goals is to define, develop, and test new integrated assessment frameworks to better monitor and strengthen heritage conservation worldwide.

30 August 2018

‘China could learn a lot from the Dutch polder model’

‘China could learn a lot from the Dutch polder model’

Over the past century, Delta cities have undergone significant spatial changes. We now know that in the long term, these don't always work out for the best. When the values we attach to water change, it is inevitable that they will impact on each other, concludes Yuting Tai in her doctoral research.

30 August 2018

Everyone has to make the energy transition leap

Everyone has to make the energy transition leap

Making all housing corporation properties energy-neutral is an operation of mythic proportions. Does the solution lie in technical innovations, or does the construction sector's entire approach require change? Both, argues PhD candidate Eefje Stutvoet; otherwise, we will never meet our objectives.

30 August 2018

New policies for improved housing in Nigerian cities

New policies for improved housing in Nigerian cities

Nigeria is struggling with a major shortage of housing, especially in the cities. Improving housing provision in Nigeria calls for concerted efforts from both the formal sector and the sizeable informal sector, concludes Job Taiwo Gbadegesin in his dissertation.

16 August 2018

Increasing pressure on Dutch housing market

Increasing pressure on Dutch housing market

The supply of houses for sale continues to dry up. Insufficient supply of new homes and a completely turned-over buying process on the market of existing homes are the reasons. Consumers want to buy, but have less and less choice. The twenty second Monitor Koopwoningmarkt, presented by OTB, shows how most residential market areas are becoming increasingly pressurised.

16 August 2018

Everything you should know about climate installations

Everything you should know about climate installations

Climate installations can be designed to create a healthy and comfortable indoor environment, while also maintaining a good energetic and economic balance. Professor of Indoor Environment Philomena Bluyssen has described how this can be achieved in the new concise guide ‘What you have to know about climate installations’.

16 August 2018



The United Nations have compiled a list of more than 100 courses helping to teach about the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Four Mass Open Online Courses of BK Bouwkunde have been selected.

16 August 2018

Amsterdam canals transformed by Roboat

The five-year research project on autonomous floating vessels in metropolitan areas investigates the potential of self-driving technology to change urban infrastructure. The collaboration between the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions and the Massachusetts Institute for Technology has already resulted in a first series of prototypes, which will be presented on location in October 2018.

12 July 2018

Circularity in 2050: how?

The Netherlands will have to develop towards a circular economy before 2050. But what does this mean, is it even possible, and which challenges will we have to tackle in order to achieve a circular economy? That is the subject of the recent publication ‘Circularity – on the road to 2050?’.

05 July 2018

Explore all facets of the built environment

Explore all facets of the built environment

BK Bouwkunde is represented at the Venice Biennale 2018 through a multitude of different types of projects. The exhibitions can be found in pavilions and in palazzos in the city centre: from a research exhibition to an installation, from student work to a dance performance, from a traveling exposition to young architectural talent.

05 July 2018

Loed Stolte wins Young Talent Architecture Award

His project ‘The Bank of England: a dialectical project’ is one of the four winning projects out of 334 nominated student graduation projects. The winning projects are currently on display in Palazzo Mora at the Venice Biennale 2018.

05 July 2018

NRP Academy celebrates five year anniversary

The National Renovation Platform (NRP) started the one-year academic programme to improve the sustainable re-use of the existing built environment. The academy was developed in collaboration with BK Bouwkunde and several other partners from both the academic and the professional field.

28 June 2018

Designing acoustically-effective façades

Designing acoustically-effective façades

The smooth and shiny façades on contemporary high-rise buildings certainly look sleek, but they are a significant factor in city noise because of the way they reflect sound. Doctoral candidate Jochen Krimm is calling for façades with more structure and mandatory acoustic testing for every high building.

21 June 2018

Three designs advance to next round

Three designs advance to next round

On 14 June, three winning teams were announced to advance to the next round in the Stylos Scala design competition. The winning teams will further develop their designs for a new staircase in the BK Expo, working on the feasibility of their designs. Additionally, three honourable mentions were announced by the judges.

21 June 2018

Degree Programme Assessment MSc Geomatics

Degree Programme Assessment MSc Geomatics

On 20 and 21 June, the degree programme assessment of MSc Geomatics took place. In anticipation of the full report, the review commission said to be impressed with the quality of the master, praising both the graduation work, the master’s structure and the students’ enthusiasm. Additionally, they found Geomatics graduates’ careers to be well aligned with both the topic and the level of the master.

21 June 2018

Looking beyond Brexit: welcoming the University of Strathclyde to BK City

On 20 June 2018, BK Bouwkunde and the University of Strathclyde celebrated the launch of the policy research foundation EPRC Delft. EPRC Delft will reinforce the existing research and teaching cooperation between the universities and open up new opportunities for the institutions to carry out shared research after the UK leaves the European Union.

21 June 2018

Thesis on risk mitigation in location decision-making wins Student Award

Jeroen Meijler pitched his thesis at CoreNet Global Benelux, winning the MSc Student Award. Meijler graduated cum laude in Management in the Built Environment in October 2017. He developed a new approach, a framework that helps make real estate decisions for a longer term.

18 June 2018

Transformation in Composition

Brownfield park project are important laboratories and catalysts for developments in landscape architecture. In these projects, contextual, process, and formal-aesthetic aspects form central and inter-related themes. That is why a major theoretical and methodological expansion of the notion of composition can be distilled from brownfield park projects, as René van der Velde concludes in his dissertation.

18 June 2018

PoroCity Towers exhibited at Centre Pompidou

PoroCity Towers exhibited at Centre Pompidou

On 15 June, 2018, the exhibition Coder le monde [Coding the world] opened to the public at Centre Pompidou in Paris. The show takes stock of contemporary digital creation in different disciplines and includes a display of several PoroCity towers, created by the researchers and students of The Why Factory.

18 June 2018

Urban redevelopment in China

Urban redevelopment in China

For several decades now, old urban communities in China have been demolished to make way for new-build residential dwellings. It is only since the last decade that the well-being of residents has been taken into consideration by the Chinese government. Xin Li concludes in her PhD thesis that there is still a world to win here.