Bertram Treling

"I take a step forward where others take a step back. Treating people, calming them down, giving pain relief and creating order in chaos, are tasks that I really love to do.⁠"

I am...

...the owner of Lifesavers. One of the components of my business is to provide first aid at X, by far the most fun location to provide first aid! Not only because it is at a beautiful and fully equipped complex, but also because it involves a wide variety of students who challenge themselves physically and mentally in all kinds of ways. And should something go wrong, the Lifesavers are there to cast their expert eye. Lifesavers at X consists of a team of about 12 expert lifesavers, including Charlotte, Marije and Christy. I have asked them what they value most about their job and they gave me the following answers.


"I appreciate being able to calm down the student who sometimes panics, after an unfortunate collision for example, and reassure them to safely get on with their game, match or training. At those moments you really contribute to the atmosphere at X."


"The contact with the students, the chats and of course the help I can offer when someone needs it, is the greatest part of my job."


"My most memorable memory was of a boy I already knew through playing soccer. I was watching the game when he got hit on his nose with the elbow of the opponent. I checked him for vital signs and of course the nose itself. A few months later I ran into him again in town. He told me that his nose was indeed broken, as I suspected, and what kind of treatment he had received. Afterwards he thanked me for all the help. That's what makes the work so beautiful, you help people to find the right support as quickly as possible."

What I personally...

...find most valuable about my work is that I can contribute to support in medical (emergency) situations where people are in need of help, because they don't know or can't do it themselves anymore. I take a step forward where others take a step back. Treating people, calming them down, giving pain relief and creating order in chaos, are tasks that I really love to do.⁠

I appreciate being able to calm down the student who sometimes panics, after an unfortunate collision for example, and reassure them to safely get on with their game, match or training.

Bertram Treling

Owner of Lifesavers