Kayra Bahadir

"Disasters like this do not come planned. I am happy for every single one of my peers that are not affected today, but on such days when we are more fortunate, the less fortunate need our help. This natural obligation is the core element that makes us human."

Although I do not...

...have any close family located in the regions that are most affected, as a Turkish person, the people of my country are all my family, even if I don't know all of them personally. Seeing them suffer due to this tragedy puts me in a dark place where I can't do anything but try my best to help from here.

As Turkish Student Association Delft (@tsa_delft)...

...we started a fundraiser last week and while that fundraiser was busy gathering more than 1200 euro, we got in contact with TU Delft and got approval to have two stands at the campus, one at X and one at the Library. There, through our Turkish colleagues studying/working at TU Delft and additional help from Turkish restaurants (most of whom give all the help/food without charge as a donation), we are offering delicious food and we take payment for the food only as donations to our GoFundMe page.

Our initiative...

....will send the money to AHBAP, an internationally trusted NGO that is responsible for being one of the leading forces of all the work done in the region. We already sent more than 1100 euro of the gathered money and we share the donation details on our Instagram account to ensure total transparency.

At such a time...

...the only place where I can find comfort is behind the stands. My mind is in a conflicting state of mourning and drive to give my all to help as much as I can. My friends and I wake up early, raise the stands, cook and plan everything, because this is the only way we can find inner peace at such a time when our country is suffering and we cannot personally be there to help.

Disasters like this....

...do not come planned. I am happy for every single one of my peers that are not affected today, but on such days when we are more fortunate, the less fortunate need our help. This natural obligation is the core element that makes us human. I would like for all of my peers to consider coming to a stand of ours, learn more about what’s happening and why we are doing this.

Although I do not have any close family located in the regions that are most affected, as a Turkish person, the people of my country are all my family, even if I don't know all of them personally.

Kayra Bahadir

Bachelor student Computer Science and Engineering (on the right in the picture)