Strength is a strength sports hall, fully equipped for advanced users. It mainly focuses on freeweights (training with loose weights) and compound exercises (squat, deadlift and benchpress). All materials are geared to this as much as possible. Therefore, the equipment is not fixed. In contrast to the regular fitness, Strength has a special floor and materials so that Olympic weightlifting can also be trained (clean, snatch, jerk).

Using Strength is only allowed under supervision of a fitness instructor. The instructor is present on Tuesdays from 19:00-22:00, on Thursdays from 19:30-22:30 and on Fridays from 15:00-18:00. You must reserve a time slot in advance via the webshop. During this hour, you can use the material in Strength under the supervision of a fitness instructor. The enrolment for a time-slot opens up one day in advance, at 13:00. If you have booked a time slot but are not going to use it, make sure you cancel your reservation in time (at least 30 minutes in advance) so that someone else can fill that spot.


To use Strength you need to have an X subscription and a fitness supplement. Check the rates.

Subscriptions and Rates

Practical Information

Advanced level

In Strength, sportswear, indoor shoes and a towel are required. Also bring a water bottle if you wish.