10/03 Party Leader Debate: In the mix [in Dutch]

10 maart 2021 19:00 t/m 20:00 - Door: Communication | Zet in mijn agenda

On 17 March 2021, Dutch citizens will vote for a new parliament. After 4 years, the coalition between VVD, CDA, CU and D66 will end and a new parliament can be chosen. X has invited several student associations in Delft with an interest in politics or policy making, to join our online party leader debate! In the coming weeks many debates are being organized all around the country, but this one is special: we will not invite parties to represent themselves, but students to step into the shoes of renowned politicians.

Eight Dutch political parties will be represented, but who will represent which party remains a surprise until one week prior to the debate. On 3 March, we will announce which student is going to represent which party leader. We are curious: who will do a better job than Jesse Klaver, Geert Wilders or Sigrid Kaag?

The debate starts with a one-minute-pitch by all party leaders, followed by some additional questions. Then it’s time to debate! We will prepare statements and a political expert is there to keep the debaters sharp. In the end, this one-man jury will appoint the debater who has represented his/her party the best. You, the online audience, can chose the best overall debater through the comments!

The event is free to attend and will be live streamed from the X Theater Auditorium on YouTube via the link below. Please note: the event will be in Dutch! You can attend the event via this YouTube livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HdMWU1KV2U&feature=youtu.be 

Wednesday 10/03 | 19:00 - 20:00 | YouTube | FREE!