19/05 Interactive Lecture: Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity

19 mei 2022 19:30 t/m 21:30 - Door: Communication | Zet in mijn agenda

Want to learn more about what effect micro aggression in questions like 'Where do you come from? No, I mean REALLY come from?" can have? Want to learn more about how to understand other people whose cultural background isn’t the same as yours? Then you must join us for the interactive lecture about Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity!

The idea behind cultural sensitivity is very straightforward. Cultural sensitivity refers to a set of skills that allows you to learn about and understand people whose cultural background is not the same as yours.

But what does that really mean?

In this lecture by Sarita Bajnath you will learn some important insights about culture, class, ethnicity, we and I culture and culturalization. She will facilitate a safe space to share funny ( and awkward) stories that open the heart and minds to new experiences. We will also discuss what effect micro aggressions can have and why the question “where do you REALLY come from” can be a bit annoying.

Sarita Bajnath - trainer at Privilegetraining.nl

Sarita Bajnath is a trainer, speaker and motivator in the field of inclusion, diversity and dialogue. She owns www.privilegetraining.nl and www.socratisch.nl.  She provides unconscious bias training that contributes to inclusion and awareness in a broad (intersectional) way, namely ethnicity, gender, disabilities, orientation, class and raising awareness of privilege.

Among other things, she worked on the documentary” The color white” by Sunny Bergman. Through interactive and personal training, she activates her participants to go into depth and look critically at themselves and their bubble. She has also given many people, including politicians, tools in leadership, communication and assertiveness.

More information can be found here:




You don't have to enrol for this event, it's open for everyone who would like to join. See you there!

Thursday 19/05 | 19:30-21:30 | Theaterhall | FREE! | Doors open at 19:15h