Acoustic Stage

30 september 2022 20:00 t/m 22:00 - Door: Communication | Zet in mijn agenda

Get to know all the performers of the TU Delft community at the Acoustic Stage. Sign up to perform or join the audience to discover what Delft has to offer!

From 20:00 – 22:00, students will get the chance to take the stage during this Acoustic Stage event. This open-mic night is open to all performances. Sing a song, do a dance, show us your best drag-show, make us laugh with stand-up comedy; anything goes as long as you can perform it in 10 minutes or less and you can do it with 1 – 4 people.

Want to perform? Sign up via the sign-up sheet.
Want to join the audience? Please do! To join this event you don’t have to sign up.


Friday 30/09 | 20:00 – 22:00 | Foyer | FREE!