Real Talk: intimacy, relationships, and beyond with Umaversity

16 mei 2024 17:00 t/m 20:30 - Door: Communication | Zet in mijn agenda

We’re here to break taboos, provide fresh perspectives, and offer a space to ask the questions you’ve been too afraid to ask!

17:00–18:30 – Music from Groover Jazz, food and drinks.
18:30–19:30 – Panel discussion moderated by the founder of Umaversity, Jo Sarah with Sophia Nabeel, Lydia Linger, and Julian Schurmann
19:30–20:30 – Expert Talk: The three pillars of intimacy with Wilma Mathurin

This Exhale Week is all about facing the real stuff: the deep, often unspoken terrains of love, intimacy, relationships, and everything in between. Even just talking about intimacy and interpersonal matters can be a tricky arena to navigate, let alone putting it into practice. To tackle this, we’ve teamed up with Umaversity to curate a panel discussion and expert talk that confronts challenging conversations around intimacy in both personal and professional spaces. We’ll be discussing everything from boundaries, consent, self image, anatomy, and more as well as thinking about what we find pleasurable, what a safe space looks and feels like to us and more. There will be time for a Q&A at the end of both the panel discussion and expert talk.

Doors open from 17:00. The panel discussion kicks off at 18:30 and is followed by an expert talk at 19:30.

Reserve your free tickets here. Tickets for the panel discussion and expert talk come as a package! There’ll be an opportunity to take part in workshops which start from 21:00. Tickets must be reserved for the workshops separately.

About Umaversity
Umaversity is a movement and community, founded by Jo Sarah, where you can connect, share, and learn about everything (female+*) mental, body, and sexuality with each other and with our 100+ experts. UMA means woman in Surinamese and –VERISTY is a place where education and knowledge exchange take place on all kinds of levels, just like a University. Our vibrant community spans 42 cultures, bringing together individuals aged 20–70, and transcends gender boundaries. Umaversity provides a platform for dialogue and education, both online and offline, featuring insights from 100+ experts who work with us in the realm of mental, body, and sexual wellness.

*female+: individuals that identify as woman/feminine and/or have a vulva

Moderator, panel discussion
Jo Sarah, founder of Umaversity, artist, author, and speaker
Jo Sarah is the founder of Umaversity, as well as an artist, author, and speaker with a passion for empowerment and inclusivity. She fosters spaces for discussion and exploration of mental, body, and sexual wellness. Furthermore, Jo serves as an advisor for diversity and inclusivity in cultural education at Mocca Expertisecentrum Cultuuronderwijs in Amsterdam. Alongside her creative pursuits, she is also the author of Manifest your Desires, a comprehensive book to realising personal desires through a 5-step programme.

Saad Nabeel/Sophia
My name is Sophia. I was born in Bangladesh, raised in the US, studied in Malaysia, and moved to the Netherlands to pursue my career in cybersecurity. Though I've lived in various places and experienced multiple cultures, I've always felt "different from the rest" throughout my life. I've been on a journey of self-discovery for the past few years and I am happy to say that I've embraced my gender fluidity. Aside from living life as both a man and a woman, I'm also a proud engineering enthusiast (nerd) and love gaming (when I get time).

Lydia Linger
I have been working as a holistic psycho and relationship therapist for a number of years and work with individuals and couples. My vision within my work is focused on “coming home to yourself,” the basis for every connection or relationship. I see myself as a domino stone that contributes to growth, healing, development, recovery, insights, remembering one's own greatness, and connection in and around the people I work with. I'm humbled and honoured to be doing this while working on my own mission… For us to remember how great we are!

Julian Schurmann
My name is Julian, I'm a 25 year old Master’s student in Management from Singapore and Denmark. Previously I lived in Amsterdam, where I studied political science. Besides that, I grew up across seven different countries, which has had a profound impact on my own intersectionality, especially with regards to relationships and intimacy. I've been in a loving relationship with my girlfriend for almost 3 years now, who has had similar relationship expectations despite pretty different upbringings.

Speaker, expert talk
Wilma Mathurin
Healthcare Psychologist with a specialisation in sexology (certified by the Dutch Association for Sexology - NVVS)

Wilma Mathurin is a Healthcare Psychologist and Behavioral specialist who works in Transgender care. Additionally, she works with individuals with autism spectrum disorder and people with learning disabilities. She educates about autism, learning disabilities, emotional development, gender diversity, attachment, trauma and issues concerning sexual health.

Sign up
Want to sign up? You can do that on the Exhale website: Exhale Tickets.

Thursday 16/05 | 17:00 – 20:30 | Exhale (West Square) | FREE!