Join the Quantum Revolution

“Responsible forward-thinking entrepreneurs should already have Quantum Technology on their radar,” emphasises Christian Andersen, expert at QuTech and Academic Portfolio Director for Quantum Technology at the TU Delft Extension School for Continuing Education, in an insightful article on (in Dutch)


While the term Quantum supremacy may conjure images straight from a movie out of the Marvel franchise, it actually refers to the projected ability of quantum computers to perform computations far beyond the capabilities of a classical computer. It is therefore very much within reach for various sectors and Quantum Physicists are not the only ones who should be exploring its capabilities.

Not just an ICT concern

Andersen highlights several promising applications such as the accelerated development of medicines against cancer, more efficient batteries, as well as a new generation of artificial fertilisers which could be produced using a fraction of the carbon dioxide emissions. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the timeline on which these innovations become a reality, major ICT companies, as expected, are already vying to stake their claim on the market. However, there is need for a broader spectrum of expertise that is not limited to ICT, opening the door for other companies to enjoy the benefits of developing knowledge and capabilities in this area.

The time to start is now

Andersen’s message is for individuals and companies to start proactively preparing for the inevitable advancements now. Those seeking to be changemakers in their respective industry can and should explore how Quantum Computing could potentially affect them and their organisations in the not-so-distant future. A logical start is building knowledge and skills in this area, and the courses by the Extension School are there to help bridge the gap.

Tom Parkes on Unsplash

Future Proofing

Our carefully curated online courses are easily accessible, largely free of charge, and self-paced, greatly lowering to a minimum possible time, cost, and travel barriers for busy professionals. The offer includes high-level programmes, as well as technical courses and intended for engineers, company managers and policymakers just starting out on the subject. The Quantum computer can be reached  by learners directly from their smartphone, so anyone seeking to gain the expertise necessary to make well-informed decisions on the future of their company is empowered to do that. Adding context, Andersen stresses the imperative for companies needing to update their operating system to stay abreast of developments in Quantum Technology.

Mitigating risks

Concerns about the potential risks of the rise in AI in combination with its use in Quantum computing, can be alleviated with the knowledge that scientists are already working hard on post-quantum encryption. It is only more reason to ensure awareness of both the possible risks and as well as the rewards of embracing quantum computing. Andersen reminds us that the technology itself is not inherently dangerous and that there is a form of built-in control given by the environmental conditions necessary, and the sheer size of the huge data centre to which many people are connected, which is essentially what a quantum computer is.

Guner Dellaga Sahiner on Unsplash

Educating the world

Join the future now! With Christian Andersen in charge of the Quantum Technology portfolio of courses at the TU Delft Extension School, the number of practical courses continues to expand. We proudly take up the challenge of educating the world about Quantum Technology, reflecting our commitment to equip as many people as possible with the knowledge and skills to solve today’s global challenges.