DEAN online alumni event West USA/Canada

28 May 2020, 8 - 10 PM (PDT)

Online events for alumni abroad

On Thursday 28 May 8.00 PM (PDT) you were invited to join alumni from your city as well as other parts of West USA and Canada for a special online event and borrel for our local DEAN* communities on Zoom.

Guestspeaker Björn Harink

The interactive evening programme included brief updates from the universities, followed by a short talk by talk by UT alumnus Björn Harink (Biomedical Engineering). Björn describes himself as a scientist, engineer, entrepreneur, globetrotter, and human of earth. It’s not by chance that he uses a planet as a point of reference since as the Principal Scientist at SF based Leiden Measurement Technologies he helps develop instruments used by NASA to detect life in extraterrestrial environments like Europa and Mars.

Per tradition, our gathering concluded with a virtual borrel (BYOB) where alumni living in LA, SF, Seattle, Vancouver and other cities in the West were mixed with each other to maximize interactions and stimulate conversations! 

What is the DEAN alumni network?

DEAN is the Dutch Engineers Alumni Network of TU Delft, UTwente, Wageningen University & Research and TU Eindhoven. It launched its activities in 2014 and now has active communities in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Nordics, Spain, Switzerland, and the USA.

Why are your Alumni Offices organising this online event?

Alumni networks such as DEAN can be extremely useful resources for tapping into fellow alumni particularly during crisis periods for advice, contacts and support. The new online event format has been developed to enhance local connections between alumni and is an addition to existing channels like the LinkedIn Group DEAN USA  and LinkedIn Group DEAN Canada, and just recently created city based WhatsApp Groups.

About this event

28 May 2020
8 - 10 PM (PDT)
Online event