Let’s talk diversity: Inclusion starts with an I

Diversity Talks is a series of free events that provides an open space to discuss and better understand diversity and inclusion. We will explore aspects of diversity within the context of science, technology and education as well as the work we do here as students, staff and management.

During this event, Dr Hans van Dijk (Tilburg University), explained why diversity is not only important for science and education but for us all. He explored what this means for us and our working environments and what are the seen and unseen issues we encounter. Following the lecture, Scott Solder talked about power and the misuse of power and how we can create a pleasant and safe workplace for everyone. In an 'active bystander training', he discussed tools to deal with poor behaviour in your own work environment.

We had a panel discussion with Scott Solder, Dr Hans van Dijk and Dr Tanachia Ashikali, Leiden University, who's expertise includes diversity management, leadership and inclusion in public organizations.