Dipl.-Ing. S.M.D. (Sehouevi Mawuton David) Agoungbome

Dipl.-Ing. S.M.D. (Sehouevi Mawuton David) Agoungbome



My research project falls in the TWIGA project which stands for Transforming Weather, water and climate Information through in situ observations for Geo-services in Africa. 


Sehouevi M. David Agoungbome is a PhD student in the Water Resources Management Department at TU Delft. His main focus is on analyzing the dynamics of the onset of rainy seasons in West Africa. The final goal of this project will be to provide in any season, value-added information service on one hand to farmers (the best moment to start sowing their crops) and on the other hand to financial institutions (giving loans to farmers with less risk). This project will contribute to addressing the SDG-2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG-13 (Climate Action). As Delft Global Initiative Fellow, I work to make sure that the results of my research contribute to the development of sustainable and affordable solutions for societal challenges in Low and Middle-Income Countries. Together with local partners in these countries, we collaborate to ensure that solutions developed at TU Delft are applicable for the end-users and make local impact.

Regarding my background, I hold a Master's degree in Mathematical Sciences from the Africa Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS-Senegal) in 2017 and a Master’s of Engineering in Water Sciences and Technologies from the Polytechnic School of Abomey Calavi (Benin) in 2015. I have some years of work experience starting from Benin in a water sciences laboratory (LSTE), a brewery effluent treatment plant (LIBS), and a consultancy firm in Senegal (Senengineering). My one-year volunteer service at the municipality of Ouidah (2017-2018), has enriched my life with many other skills and is a way of giving back to my community.

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