
377 resultaten

About Quantum Lab - TPM Faculty, TU Delft

About Quantum Lab - TPM Faculty, TU Delft

The Quantum Lab at the Faculty of TPM has as its goal to bring the integrated systems, governance and values perspective of the TPM Faculty…


Upcoming/Preprints Y. Guo, S. Sharma*, S. Kumar*, Inverse designing surface curvatures by deep learning , Arxiv:2309.00163. 2023 L. Zheng,…


Atsushi Urakawa Professor Staff & Support Team Els Arkesteijn Secretary & Administrative support Willy Rook Technician Bart van der Linden…


Research Areas Research Projects The following research projects are currently being pursued in the DCE&S group. Click on the project title…


Published articles 2023 C.M. van den Berg, V.A. Volkov, S. Schnorrenberg, Z. Huang, K.E. Stecker, I. Grigoriev, S. Gilani, K.-A. Myrum…

Said Hamdioui

Said Hamdioui

Humans of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science Said Hamdioui Er is eerder behoefte aan een revolutie dan een evolutie in…

Research & Publications

Research & Publications In co-creation with the TU Delf-wide community, strengthened by external stakeholders and knowledge users, we…

Graphene & Spin Wave Computing

Graphene & Spin Wave Computing

Research Heterogeneity, real-time performance adaptivity to computational load and surrounding environmental variability, fault tolerance,…

Lussen, lussen en nog eens lussen: zo wordt DNA georganiseerd

Lussen, lussen en nog eens lussen: zo wordt DNA georganiseerd

Wetenschappers van het Kavli Instituut van de TU Delft en EMBL Heidelberg hebben dit gefilmd hoe een enkel eiwitcomplex, condensin genaamd,…


Research Large Scale Electricity Storage The increasing implementation of renewable electricity generation in the form of solar power and…