Urgent Urban Matters, first informal session

Nieuws - 02 juli 2018

TU Delft | Global Initiative organised an informal “pizza session” (2 July | 17.00-19.00h) for one of our four new themes of Urgent Urban Matters. Twenty researchers from the faculties of BK, TPM and CiTG came together in informal setting to discuss what the new research lines of this theme should be. What the problems are urgent in the rapidly urbanizing global south? What could be the role of TU Delft in this? Where are we active? With whom?

Five researchers presented their recent work and first thoughts of connecting to each other’s activities were discussed. The session was organized by the them coordinators Prof. Dick van Gameren en Dr. Henk Jonkers, supported by TU Delft | Global Initiative. As a follow up the theme description will be made more concrete, and there will be a setup of an internal communication platform and a list with all researchers relevant for this theme and their expertise.

This first Urgens Urban Matters “pizza session” was an experiment for TU Delft | Global Initiative. Since it turned out to be quite successful, we would like to keep using it as a formula also for other themes. Please reach out to delftglobal@tudelft.nl if you would like to organize a similar event for your theme.