Four submissions accepted at UMAP'17

News - 01 November 2017

Two submissions were accepted in the Technology-Enhanced Adaptive Learning track, co-written by members of the Lambda-Lab: "Measuring student behaviour dynamics in a large interactive classroom setting" (in collaboration with researchers from Lugano) was accepted as full paper; "Certificate Achievement Unlocked: Exploring MOOC Learners' Behaviour Before & After Passing" was accepted as a late-breaking result paper.

The paper "Nudge your Workforce. A Study on the Effects of Task Notification Strategies in Enterprise Mobile Crowdsourcing" has been accepted as full paper in the Personalized Social Web track. The paper has been co-written with researchers from the IBM Amsterdam Centre of Advanced Studies, in the context of the IBM-EWI CIC collaboration. The paper is a result of the master thesis of our former WIS master student Sarah Bashirieh.

Our submission ``Sequences of Diverse Song Recommendations: An exploratory study in a commercial system'' was accepted as an extended abstract to the Recommender Systems track.