Let there be light! How to design your own lamp in 1, 2, 3

News - 21 September 2023

Are you tired of seeing the same old lamp designs everywhere you go? Have you ever dreamed of designing and creating your own original lamp? With a material of your choosing? Then good news! Thanks to former IDE student Dino Liao and the rise of AI you can. Discover how in this Student Story.

Where does your interest in AI come from?

I've always seen myself as a multidisciplinary designer with a thirst for knowledge that extends beyond conventional design domains. I enjoy incorporating insights from diverse fields into my design narratives, particularly for technology-oriented projects. Witnessing the swift evolution of AI over recent years, I felt it essential to seize the opportunity to incorporate AI proficiency into my skillset.

This project made me realize that by leaving my comfort zone and using these new tools in my work, I could take my designs to a unique level, different from other designers, and contribute to making technology easier and more useful for everyone.

― Dino Liao

Which programs have you worked with? Do you have a preference?

This project required some coding and data analysis, mostly using JavaScript and Python. Before ChatGPT came along, I had some coding skills, but using this tool really made the work easier and helped me learn more. I really liked the fact that I could work and learn with ChatGPT at the same time. I believe designers should use AI tools in a way that helps us learn, instead of just copying things from them. In addition to coding, this project also needed some 3D modelling and printing. For that, I used 3D software like SolidWorks, Cinema 4D, and some 3D printing programs.

What is the most important thing that you have learned during this process?

Even though the project was about exploring how AI can alter the way we design tangible l products, my personal journey was about more than that. It involved me learning to use AI tools and understanding how they could help designers like me. The main lesson I've learned is the importance of being open to learning new things, including different tools from varied fields. It made me realize that by leaving my comfort zone and using these new tools in my work, I could take my designs to a unique level, different from other designers, and contribute to making technology easier and more useful for everyone. This journey of self-discovery and growth has been an invaluable part of my experience.

What did you enjoy the most when doing this project?

Even though the project was tough, I really enjoyed the journey because I'm very passionate about the topic. The best part for me was seeing the powerful impact of AI firsthand. At first, I wasn't sure if I could finish the project in time for graduation, and I was worried about doing tasks I wasn't familiar with. However, the experience taught me that maintaining a positive attitude, coupled with skills such as working with AI like ChatGPT, can enable me to surpass my own expectations and achieve extraordinary outcomes.

Is this something you would like to pursue further? What is your next step?

Absolutely. I really enjoy using technology, especially AI, in my design work. I see it as a key skill that I will keep developing over the years along with other tech advancements. I'm excited to see what will happen in the future and I'm ready to help lead the way, especially in making technology easier to use and connecting it more with design. My next step is to join Alibaba as an experienced designer, doing work that can fuse the design and technology. There, I will delve deeper into AI, the Internet of Things, and how they interact with design. I really appreciate how TU Delft prepared me for this.

Start creating your own lamp

My next step is to join Alibaba as an experienced designer, doing work that can fuse the design and technology. There, I will delve deeper into AI, the Internet of Things, and how they interact with design. I really appreciate how TU Delft prepared me for this.

― Dino Liao


Dino Liao

Cehao Yu