Meet the Energy Leader: Franklin Orr; Stanford University USA

26 april 2021 17:00 t/m 18:00 - Locatie: Zoom - Door: | Zet in mijn agenda

"In Transition: Climate and Clean Energy Challenges for the Biden Administration"

Het Delft Energy Initiative nodigt iedereen uit voor een speciale editie van "Meet the Energy Leaders".  Te gast is Franklin Orr, voormalig Undersecretary van het U.S. Department of Energy en professor aan de universiteit van Stanford. Hij heeft voor het Department of Energy gewerkt tijdens het presidentschap van Obama en zal alles vertellen over het belang van de recente politieke veranderingen in de energietransitie, het aanpakken van klimaatverandering en het ontwikkelen van schone energievormen.

Dit evenement vindt plaats op maandag 26 april van 17:00 tot 18:00 CEST. Als je wilt deelnemen, meld je aan via deze link.

Meer informatie: 

Speaker: Franklin Orr; Professor Department of Energy Resources Engineering
Stanford University; USA

After four years of negative progress on climate change and clean energy in the US, the change of administration in January marked an abrupt change of direction.  The new administration has made control of the COVID-19 pandemic its top priority.  But it is already clear that dealing with climate change will be a very important part of the administration’s policy agenda.  On the first day in office, the new president announced that the US would rejoin the Paris agreement.  And senior appointments at the White House and at key agencies make it clear that a deeply experienced team is being assembled.  It will renew US commitments to deep reductions in greenhouse gas emissions through a transition to much cleaner energy systems. Key elements will include putting in place ambitious goals for greenhouse gas emission reduction, using infrastructure funding to deploy clean energy technologies at every increasing scale, rebuilding the national regulatory structure for greenhouse gases, and supporting the clean energy transition through a vigorous program of fundamental and applied research and development to support energy innovation.  Some of the abundant research challenges and opportunities will be outlined.

Franklin Orr served as Under Secretary for Science and Energy at the U.S. Department of Energy from 2014 to 2017. He is the Keleen and Carlton Beal Professor Emeritus, Department of Energy Resources Engineering at Stanford University. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, and the Board of Directors of the ClimateWorks Foundation.

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