Makerspace open walk in afternoon with Delft Open Hardware

30 juni 2023 12:30 t/m 19:30 - Locatie: Makerspace Science Centre - Van der Burghweg 1, 2628 CS Delft | Zet in mijn agenda

Join us for an exciting afternoon of hacking on open source hardware projects and enjoy a sizzling BBQ! This is our final event before the summer break, so let's make it an unforgettable one.

Join us for an exciting afternoon of hacking on open source hardware projects and enjoy a sizzling BBQ! This is our final event before the summer break, so let's make it an unforgettable one. Whether you're a seasoned hardware enthusiast or a curious beginner, this event is open to everyone.

Event Highlights:

  • Bring your project
  • Engage in collaborative hacking sessions
  • Network with like-minded individuals passionate about open source hardware
  • Get inspired by innovative projects and ideas
  • Share your knowledge and learn from others
  • Participate in group project to work on Pi Clusters or OttoDIY projects
  • Enjoy a delicious BBQ

Note: This event is free and open to all skill levels. However, we recommend some prior experience with hardware development to fully benefit from the hacking sessions.

About Open Source Hardware: Open source hardware promotes the sharing of design specifications and documentation, allowing individuals and communities to collaborate, modify, and distribute hardware freely. It encourages innovation, transparency, and accessibility in the field of hardware development. By participating in this event, you contribute to the vibrant open source hardware community.

Come join us for an afternoon of hacking, learning, connecting, and savoring delicious BBQ treats. Let's make the most of our last Friday before the summer break while celebrating the spirit of open source hardware! See you there!