Share Fair: Design for Justice

04 juni 2024 09:00 t/m 18:00 | Zet in mijn agenda

Inspiring keynotes, engaging workshops, thesis awards finale & white paper unveiling. Don't miss it!

Hosted by the Delft Design for Values Institute

Date: June 4th, 2024

Location: Lijm & Cultuur, Delft, The Netherlands

Mark your calendars for June 4th, 2024, because something exciting is happening in Delft. Attend the Share Fair: Design for Justice, hosted by the Delft Design for Values Institute.


What's the program? Here's a sneak peek:

 Inspiring Keynotes: Get ready to be inspired by Suze Gehem, Co-founder and CEO of de Groene Grachten, and Colleen Murphy, Professor of Law and Philosophy at the University of Illinois. 

 Engaging Workshops: Dive deep into discussions, enhance your skills, and meet like-minded enthusiasts in our interactive workshops.

 Thesis Awards Finale: What are some of the best pieces of student’s works on justice and design? Be there to witness the finale of the thesis awards and celebrate outstanding contributions to just design.

 White Paper Unveiling: Discover the institute insights and recommendations in our White Paper on Design for Justice.

Early bird tickets are available until May 1st, so grab yours now!