Student Testimonial: Isabella

Personal information

  • Name: Isabella Hoppe
  • Age: 23 years old

Hi! I’m Isabella Hoppe , I am 23 years old and, at the moment of writing this, I am in my last year of MOT.

With my graduation on the horizon, I am already getting somewhat nostalgic for the great time I have had studying MOT. It was definitely one of the better choices I have made! I started out studying Artificial Intelligence at the VU in Amsterdam. I was fascinated by technology, but I soon realized that it was more the conceptualization and commercialization aspect that I enjoyed, rather than the actual development and coding. In group projects, I liked taking a coordinating role and I relished in thinking of how certain features would develop over the years.

When looking for Master programmes, MOT immediately stood out to me for its business and management oriented approach to technology. I figured I would be able to develop the soft skill set that I already enjoyed using in my technical bachelor’s projects. Since my career aspirations were also more in the innovation management sector rather than software development, I enrolled. The programme has definitely not disappointed: The various courses have given me a broad and well-balanced set of skills that I can apply as a manager in any technological field, and the variety of students from different educational and cultural backgrounds really contributed to great group discussions and projects.

On top of that, since many of my fellow students chose MOT for similar reasons as mine (craving a more human-oriented, management career), it was very easy connecting with them.

I also joined the MOT Master Committee, where I organized activities for my fellow students, and this was a great way to get to know more people and find friends. Since everyone follows the same courses in the first year, a tight-knit community is formed, which I believe is quite unique for the master’s phase! Still, there is enough flexibility for students who have specific interests in mind. In the first semester of the second year, you can specialize and choose a set of electives. Another option is to go abroad, which I decided to do since I had not had that opportunity during my bachelor’s. Overall, I think MOT offers a great programme and experience to any student looking to expand their technical skillset with the managerial and business basics required to be the bridging factor in any organization! If you have any more questions, you can find me at “chat with a student”!