BIWIC 2024 | International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization

11 september 2024 09:00 t/m 13 september 2024 18:00 | Zet in mijn agenda

The 29th BIWIC – International Workshop on Industrial Crystallization will this year be hosted by Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands, from September 11 to 13, 2024. The workshop organization is supported by Pro2Tech institute of Delft University of Technology.

The workshop has become an important part of the conference calendar for crystallization groups worldwide. The aim is to gather interested parties from academia, industry, and research institutes to discuss their work and exchange knowledge towards overcoming challenges and advancing the knowledge frontiers in industrial crystallization. It is also a great opportunity to initiate (or expand) your connections with renowned scientists and industry leaders in the crystallization field in a friendly atmosphere.