Graduation of Arnoud Theunisse

05 april 2023 15:00 t/m 17:00 - Locatie: CiTG - Lecture Hall D | Zet in mijn agenda

Comparison of design methods for quay walls based on a case study

  • Professor of graduation: Dr. ing. M.Z. Voorendt

  • Supervisors: Dr. ir. J.G. de Gijt (TU Delft), Dr. ir. M. Korff  (TU Delft), Ing. A. J. Tanis (De Klerk BV), Prof. dr. ir. R.D.J.M. Steenbergen (TNO)

This thesis provides a comparison of the elastoplastic method or Subgrade Reaction method with the Finite Element method. The elastoplastic method is performed with the program D-Sheet Piling and the program Plaxis is used as finite element method. In order to compare the results from these methods with measurements on an existing wall, an anchored quay wall with relieving platform is used in Eemshaven Groningen. This quay wall was constructed in 2014-2015 by contractor De Klerk and deformation measurements were done during and after construction.