Graduation of Zoi Zikidou

29 augustus 2023 10:00 | Zet in mijn agenda

Assessment method of multiple flood protection improvements in a water system governed by a storm surge barrier: The case of Ramspol Barrier

  • Professor of graduation: Prof. dr. ir. M. Kok (TU Delft)

  • Supervisors: Ir. L. F. Mooyaart (TU Delft), Dr. ir. A.M.R. Bakker (TU Delft, Rijkswaterstaat), Prof. dr. ir. W.S.J. Uijttewaal (TU Delft)

According to climate projections, it is highly likely that the level of the sea will continue rising. Moreover, the dominant wind direction in the North Sea and consequently in IJssel Lake is getting reverted to a more southwest direction and in the same location it is expected to have the highest increase of storminess according to the projections. The intensity of summer rainfalls increases, because of the rising of the global temperature which leads to more evaporation. Finally, the projections show a rise in the winter precipitation and as a consequence the peak river discharge of the main rivers in the Netherlands is expected to increase. There is still high uncertainty on the projections of future climate, but these effects of climate change, can lead to high water levels in IJssel Lake and threaten the safety of the dikes which are protecting the inland against flooding. Thus, action needs to be taken to prevent threatening situations.