
1449 resultaten


Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals: 1. Gholinejad, S., A.R. Amiri-Simkooei, S.H.A. Moghaddam, A.A. Naeini (2020). An automated PCA-based…

What role do universities have to play in creating a learner-centric culture for lifelong learning?

In an opinion piece recently appeared in the TH&MA Higher Education magazine, Prof Dr Robert F. Mudde, Vice Rector Magnificus / Vice…

News & Events

News & Events

Events Past Events An equitable and stable two-sided matching problem for a crowd-shipping market with Prof. Jane Lin from the University of…

Publications Ramon Hanssen

2016 Chang, L., Hanssen, R. & Dollevoet, R. (2016), "Detection of Railway Infrastructure Settlement using Satellite SAR Interferometry" , In…


Teaching CIE4130 - Probabilistic Design and Risk Management CIE5314 - Flood Defences CIE5060 - MSc Graduation Thesis (in the field of…


March 2019: RE-InVEST final conference Marja Elsinga and Marietta Haffner attended the final conference of this Horizon 2020 project that…

Start van de studie Technische Natuurkunde

Regel dit zo snel mogelijk: Start van je studie aan de TU Delft Algemene informatie over de start van je studie vind je op welkom.tudelft.nl…

Media Attention

The various news items (in all media types) concerning the Department of Hydraulic Engineering are listed below. For reasons of copyrights,…

Theoretical researc by the TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre

Theoretical researc by the TU Delft Digital Ethics Centre

The theoretical research of the Digital Ethics Center is divided over three main themes: (1) Design for Values Methods, (2) Moral Values…

Archive 2009

December 9, 2009: Frank Redig (Universiteit Leiden) Duality and hidden symmetries in interacting particle systems We consider a model of…