
2439 resultaten

M. (Mennolt) Verhaar

Catholijn Jonker gives keynote speech at Prima 2020

Catholijn Jonker gives keynote speech at Prima 2020

The 23rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems is being held from November 18 to 20, 2020. Agent-based…

Support for graduating students restarted

The “Co-creating the graduation journey” project has come to its second intervention. The previous participants of this 20-week long…

Student projects

Please contact the corresponding TU Delft supervisor to discuss the project details and to gain more insight. You can follow this procedure…

Data-Intensive Systems

Data-Intensive Systems

The Data-Intensive Systems (DiS) group is one of the sections of the Department of Software Technology (ST) of the Faculty Electrical…


Ga je naar het buitenland? Studenten kunnen reizen naar groen en geel gecodeerde landen voor stages/afstudeer- en of studieprojecten. De TU…

Study Abroad

Menu openen Outgoing Exchange Application Procedure University Exchange Partners & Networks Funding & Scholarships Diversity and Inclusion…

Research Design 3: Communicating and managing risk

Informed Consent Once you’ve completed your Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan your next step is to decide how you will communicate with…