
62 resultaten

Cost of living

The cost of living in the Netherlands might be different from the place you currently live and work. To get an idea of the cost of living in…

Isolated propellers

Isolated propeller performance experiments with TUD reference propeller Test objective Wind-tunnel experiments were performed with an…

Publications till 2000

Publications 2000 E.F. ten Heuvelhof en H.D. Stout, Sustainable utilities; new opportunities for sustainability through liberalisation and…

Most cited publications

These are the publications of the DfS group with most citations in Scopus (with a minimum of 25): Entrop, Brouwers, & Reinders (2011).…

Infiltration swales: Quantitative performance on an urban catchment scale

by H.R. Geerling download thesis Introduction Worldwide urban areas are getting larger. Existing rural areas will be replaced by impervious…

Infiltration swales: Quantitative performance on an urban catchment scale

by H.R. Geerling download thesis Introduction Worldwide urban areas are getting larger. Existing rural areas will be replaced by impervious…

Elf vakgebieden in top 50 QS World University Rankings by Subject

Elf vakgebieden in top 50 QS World University Rankings by Subject

In de World University Rankings by Subjects 2018 die vandaag verschijnt, staat de TU Delft in twee vakgebieden in de top tien:…

SWV Plankenkoorts

SWV Plankenkoorts

Sport, Watersport, Zeilen, Sailing, Surf, Windsurf, Teamsport, Plankenkoorts


Vancauwenberghe, G., K. Valeckaite, B. van Loenen & F. Welle Donker (2018). Assessing the Openness of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI):…

Catering Services

Catering Services

Het ervaren hospitality team van X TU Delft biedt een uitgebreid aanbod aan horeca-arrangementen, zowel bij X als op jouw gewenste locatie.…