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Alumni in het buitenland

Alumni in het buitenland Er wonen en werken meer dan 30.000 TU Delft alumni in het buitenland. Vaak geconcentreerd op locaties waar ofwel…

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Quantum simulation

The properties of quantum computers open up a new world of simulation possibilities. Since the 1980s researchers have predicted quantum…

Quantum optimization

In a world of complex, multi-faceted problems, quantum computing offers a way to find the best path forward. What is optimization?…

Factorization and encryption

Quantum computing could revolutionise the way we approach calculations—but can it really break modern encryption? What is factorization?…

Quantum searching

Quantum computers deconstruct the haystack to find the needle in record time. Imagine you’re put inside a room with a million drawers. One…

The near-term future of quantum computers

An interview with Barbara Terhal Barbara Terhal (Professor of Quantum Computing, TU Delft/QuTech), interviewed by Michael Wimmer You are a…

The Netherlands and Quantum

The Netherlands has a front row seat in the development of quantum computing research and industry. Pieter Vermaas A Faraway Promise The…

Future uses of quantum

Building quantum computers isn’t the only challenge—knowing what to do with them is just as important. A quantum computer will only be…