Good Friends session with Prof. Gijsje Koenderink

News - 28 March 2023

Especially for Good Friends, Prof. Gijsje Koenderink gave an online masterclass on March 16 explaining her lab’s research focused on the physics of the biological soft matter that shapes our bodies: living cells and tissues. Prof. Koenderink is a professor of Bionanoscience at TU Delft and is affiliated with the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft. Because of her distinctive contribution to the TU Delft ecosystem, the TU Delft Excellence Fund, an initiative of Delft University Fund, contributed financially to her appointment at TU Delft in 2020. 

Her research is one of the pillars of the national research program Building a Synthetic Cell (BaSyC), which aims to unravel the fundamental principles of cells and tissues. For example, Prof. Koenderink explained how, in time, faster diagnosis and better treatment of damaged tissue, such as in cancer, will be possible. After her inspiring lecture, participants were invited to ask questions. 

The event and the video are in Dutch.

Relatiemanagement & Development

Lisette Forbes Wels

Relatiemanagement & Development

drs. Ingrid Janssen