Climate Action

There is no doubt that the anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are changing our living environment. Climate change is in our hands. We need to both work on limiting it as much as we can (mitigation), but we will also have to learn to adapt to new circumstances. TU Delft will harness its innovative powers to support the world-wide transition to non-fossil resources, and adaptation of the living environment to the consequences of global warming.

The problem is complex and urgent – but we have no other choice than to be optimistic and use all of our capacity to face the challenge, through our education programs and our research.

For more information, see:

In the Climate Action research programme, we start from four themes we consider to be paramount for future Climate Action:

The TU Delft vision on Climate Action is deeply founded in preceding decades of university wide climate action research. The goal of the Climate action research programme is to build on current strengths and identify the areas where there is a need to strengthen our capacities to keep up our (inter)national reputation as climate action university.

Climate Action News

16 February 2020

Waiting for the perfect storm

Waiting for the perfect storm

For months hydraulic engineer Patrick Oosterlo has been waiting for a heavy storm. One that can truly test his equipment that was installed in and on a dike on the coast of the eastern Wadden Sea. He needs high waves and strong winds to decide: is this dike high enough?

13 February 2020

Health problems from air pollution often originate from distant emissions

Health problems from air pollution often originate from distant emissions

Air pollution, and the associated premature deaths, are strongly affected by distant emission sources. In the US about half of the premature mortality occurs outside the state that produces the emissions.

11 February 2020

Detecting plastic waste in rivers using drones

Detecting plastic waste in rivers using drones

Rivers take vital water to villages and cities, but unfortunately they also carry harmful plastic to oceans. In order to prevent this, we need to find out exactly where the plastic comes from and how it is distributed over time and space. Counting plastic waste items from bridges is one of the commonly used methods to do this. But then how can the huge amounts of plastic in inaccessible places be pinpointed? Master student in Hydraulic Engineering Marlein Geraeds spent her internship at The Ocean Cleanup investigating how to monitor plastic waste in Malaysia’s River Klang by means of drones.

10 February 2020

Up in the clouds

Up in the clouds

They are a beautiful sight, those cumulus clouds drifting by slowly high above our heads. But what is propelling them? And how do they affect the wind? To find out Louise Nuijens spent a few days with her head in the clouds. Literally.

06 February 2020

Roots for riverbanks

Roots for riverbanks

The Netherlands has had an indissoluble relationship with water throughout history. Nowadays, 2400 km of waterways flowing through its veins use timber retaining walls along their banks. A more eco-friendly solution than brick or concrete but, still, not as sustainable as it could be. Civil Engineer Abhijith Kamath is researching an alternative method to use tree roots to strengthen waterways’ banks. Making Dutch channels greener in every way.

Climate Action Stories

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Climate Action News

30 November 2023

The new food waste monitor 'Orbisk' provides insight into food waste at TU Delft

The new food waste monitor 'Orbisk' provides insight into food waste at TU Delft

Since the start of the academic year 2023/2024, the new food waste monitor 'Orbisk' has been integrated in the Aula, within the Foodsquare restaurant. This innovative system monitors the food that is been thrown away. A third of global emissions are attributed to food waste, so reducing food waste has a positive impact on the climate.

30 November 2023

Researchers call for Dutch leading role in global methane monitoring

Researchers call for Dutch leading role in global methane monitoring

At COP28 in Dubai, countries want to reach new agreements to reduce emissions. This requires the identification of emission sources. The Netherlands has extensive experience with satellites that monitor methane emissions. Researchers from SRON, KNMI, TNO and TU Delft see huge methane plumes over landfills and fossil fuel extraction with their current space instrument TROPOMI.

28 November 2023

Seed funding TU Delft climate Action Programme awards 13 researchers

Seed funding TU Delft climate Action Programme awards 13 researchers

For the first half year of 2023, the TU Delft Climate Action Programme has granted 9 applications for the Seed Fund. The researchers come from the faculties CEG, TPM and 3ME.

21 November 2023

Join the pilot of the Education Hackathon on 30 November 2023 - sign up!

Join the pilot of the Education Hackathon on 30 November 2023 - sign up!

Are you excited to think about creating better education? Would you like to share your ideas about education of the future? Then we are asking you to participate in the pilot of the Education Hackathon at TU Delft on 30 November.

14 November 2023

Behnam Taebi in "Groendoen" - Technique, ethics and policy as triangle

Behnam Taebi in "Groendoen" - Technique, ethics and policy as triangle