Better healthcare thanks to Delft technology

Yes, I support Delft healthcare research

UFD - Single donation with Mollie (Technology for Health)

UFD - Single donation with Mollie (Technology for Health)
I will donate to the University Fund Delft
News Delft University Fund


Personal data
Delft University Fund uses your data to process and record your donation and to inform you about the activities and work of the University Fund. Your personal details will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act and will never be provided to third parties. Please read our privacy statement here

UFD - SEPA donation (Technology for Health)

UFD - SEPA donation (Technology for Health)
I hereby authorize Delft University Fund to (until further notice) withdraw the following amount from my account
News Delft University Fund


Personal data
Delft University Fund uses your data to process and record your donation and to inform you about the activities and work of the University Fund. Your personal details will be treated confidentially in accordance with the Dutch Personal Data Protection Act and will never be provided to third parties. Please read our privacy statement here