IDE Research Course

This course is required for all PhD candidates at the faculty of IDE. It can be an elective course for PhD candidates from other design faculties.

The faculty of IDE has had a special PhD research course for over a decade, because working in this interdisciplinary area brings with it a wide range of opportunities and challenges. We often work across academic communities, and use methods from various backgrounds. 

Aim of the course

The aim of this course is to help you find a position within the field of design research, to learn about the research culture(s) in the IDE field, to get familiar with the wider research community at IDE, and to strengthen your peer network.

The course provides an overview of the variety of research approaches in design research. The course focuses on research skills related to the work of the PhD candidates themselves, and on the research spectrum present at IDE.

We recommend to take this course during the first year of your PhD project. 

Course modules

The course consists of 10 modules (2-3 hours each). Each module covers a different aspect of the research at IDE and is developed and taught by a pair of senior researchers from IDE.

A module contains:

  • an introduction of its topic,
  • basic theory about it,
  • examples from the breadth of IDE research projects,
  • some pointers for further study,
  • an exercise related to the participant's own research

GS credits

You will get 5 GS credits in the discipline related skills category for attending the IDE Research Course. Attendance of all course modules is necessary to pass the course, so have the attendance list signed for each module. Please note that you have to do all modules within one year time. If it is not possible for you to attend a particular module within a run, you get the opportunity to attend that module in the next run of the course. 


The course is obligatory for all PhD candidates in the IDE Graduate School who have to participate in the Doctoral Education programme. Each edition of the course has a maximum capacity of 20 participants. PhD candidates who don't have to do Doctoral Education can also participate in the course, but candidates with Doctoral Education obligation will get priority.