
173 resultaten

Jos Blank

Jos Blank

Universitair hoofdocent, sectie Economie van Technologie & Innovatie (ETI)

Greenport Marowijne

Greenport Marowijne Minor International Entrepreneurship & Development 2017 Location Marowijne, Suriname Students Kris Wijdeveld Chris…

Completed PhD Research

Name Title Promotor Year J.R. von Asmuth Groundwater system Identification, through time series analysis Prof. Olsthoorn/Bierkens 2012 M.C.…

Printen en plotten

Alles over printen, kopiëren, scannen, plotten, tarieven en opwaarderen van tegoed kunt u hieronder vinden. Online printen Het toevoegen van…

ABE 004

Regions, Territories, Networks Cities and urban regions can be seen and analysed as products of historical processes of networking between…

Ondergrondse infrastructuur

Intelligent use of subsurface infrastructure for surface quality The subsurface is the technical space, the engine room of a city, housing…


On this page Books Journal articles and conference papers Patents and standards Other types of information Relevant links References When…

Publications 2010

Articles Zevenhoven, R., A. Wiklund, J. Fagerlund, S. Eloneva, B. in ‘t Veen, H. Geerlings, G. van Mossel, H. Boerrigter Carbonation of…

PAL 4 Future Health

PAL 4 Future Health

On wednesday February 6th 2019, we organized the “PAL 4 Future Health” event to share and discuss the results of the European PAL-project…

External Awards MSc and BSc Students

2017 Nijs, R.E.P. Keverling Buisman Prize for the best paper of 2017 in Geotechniek, about "Proefcampagne voor de Oosterweelverbinding in…