
39330 resultaten

Bedrijfsruimte huren op de campus van de TU Delft

De TU Delft biedt huisvesting op de campus aan commerciële bedrijven, onderzoeksinstellingen en verenigingen die een functionele relatie met…

More about the Delft Technology Fellowship

The Delft Technology Fellowship offers high-profile positions to top female scientists within TU Delft's research areas. Each Fellow gets…

IO Campagne

Join our community of Delft design researchers as they embark on a mission to redirect design. What is the role of design in societal…

The past creating the future

Delft has been a world leader in science and technology for centuries. A place where theoretical science, technology, design and business…

Mental Health Resources

Resources for mental health of internationals If you are in need of help to address your mental health, we have gathered some resources for…



Contact Vragen of opmerkingen? Neem contact met ons op. Adreswijziging doorgeven Bij een verhuizing, een ander emailadres of een andere…

Working outside the Netherlands

With a contract at TU Delft, you are normally socially insured and liable to payroll tax in the Netherlands. For this, you and TU Delft pay…

Werken bij TU Delft

Werken bij TU Delft

Bekijk onze vacatures Werken bij TU Delft Challenge. Het klimaat, de energietransitie, de groei van steden, de digitale samenleving,…

Cost of living

The cost of living in the Netherlands might be different from the place you currently live and work. To get an idea of the cost of living in…

Applied Sciences

1. Chemical Engineering: Chemical materials and product engineering The department of Chemical Engineering at TU Delft would like to create…