
01 februari 2018

The legacy of industrial offshoring

The legacy of industrial offshoring

The audio documentary ‘Off:Re:Onshore’ engages the effects of industrial offshoring through a series of interviews with eight leaders, activitists, architects, and cultural producers.

01 februari 2018

Two Marie Curie Individual Fellow grants awarded

Two Marie Curie Individual Fellow grants awarded

Two researchers of the Chair of Methods & Analysis have been awarded with Marie Curie Invididual Fellow grants for their research proposals with Tom Avermaete.

18 januari 2018

BK at UN Habitat in Kuala Lumpur

Both Design as Politics and Urban Thinkers Campus are invited to speak at the upcoming UN Habitat Conference in Kuala Lumpur.

18 januari 2018

Work, body, leisure

The Dutch Pavilion at the 2018 Venice Biennale will be a collective installation with a diverse Extended Program. Amongst others, BK City staff Víctor Muñoz Sanz (Urbanism) will be part of the pavilion, presenting an installation together with Marten Kuijpers.

18 januari 2018

BK alumna selected to attend 5-day workshop by Norman Foster Foundation

BK Alumni Nadia Remmerswaal was granted by the Norman Foster Foundation to attend the Digital X Atelier in Madrid. The Digital X Atelier is a 5-day workshop for which only 10 (former) students have been selected.

18 januari 2018

Het gebouw van de toekomst heeft geen deur nodig

Het gebouw van de toekomst heeft geen deur nodig

De architectuur van de toekomst is niet statisch, maar reageert op gebruikers en omgeving. Interactieve ontwerpmethoden maken het mogelijk, zegt promovendus Jia-Rey Chang. In zijn onderzoek fungeren 'HyperCellen' als bouwelementen voor organische, voortdurend transformerende architectuur.