Degree audit

Thesis report

Before the defence session can take place, you need to upload the master thesis project report to the TU Delft repository. According to Dutch law, by default all scientific work and research is public. Therefore, all information in the repository is public. By exception, parts of a report may be embargoed. This must have been agreed upon before the start of the project. When uploading the report to the repository, the embargo needs to be indicated.


Please be aware that all TU Delft education is by default on campus, including master thesis defence sessions (TU Delft ‘Strategic Priorities 22-24’, Chapter 3 and Chapter Students & Education). Only in exceptional situations, the Board of Examiners may deviate from the rule. Students wishing to deviate from the rules should submit a request to the Board of Examiners. 

The master thesis committee acts on behalf of the Board of Examiners and performs the assessment of the master thesis project. The core members of the committee determine the result of the assessment. The assessment is based on the master thesis rubric. Using this rubric, students are assessed on various aspects. You’ll find the rubric on the Brightspace page of the thesis project of your study programme.