
07 juni 2018

House and Tower at ZigZagCity

House and Tower at ZigZagCity

From 9 to 24 June, the ZigZagPavilion will serve as an urban marker at the architecture festival ZigZagCity in Rotterdam. Master students of the Chair of Interiors Buildings Cities designed and built the two-part pavilion.

07 juni 2018

Affordable low energy housing solutions with H4.0E

Affordable low energy housing solutions with H4.0E

The Housing 4.0 Energy consortium will build pilot projects of affordable low energy dwellings. Researchers from OTB will be working on the research part of the project, exploring possibilities for upscaling of the pilots. This includes the development of an open source platform, in which regional stakeholders work together to make low energy housing solutions a reality.

04 juni 2018

BK alumna Barbara Prezelj wins second prize at Archiprix 2018

BK alumna Barbara Prezelj wins second prize at Archiprix 2018

On 2 June, the jury announced this year’s national Archiprix winners. The second prize was awarded to BK alumna Barbara Prezelj for her project Unfamiliar Territory. This design proposal focusses on a landscape near Paris, aiming to find ways of dealing with places of friction without reducing their complexity.

24 mei 2018

First ‘Cities Report’

First ‘Cities Report’

The first ‘Cities Report’ from research project Cities of Making is now available. The report offers an insight into urban manufacturing in three European regions: Brussels, London, and Rotterdam-The Hague.

24 mei 2018

Research Fellowship Urban Forestry

Research Fellowship Urban Forestry

René van der Velde (Landscape Architecture) has been appointed as Research Fellow Urban Forestry, cementing a new collaboration between the BK City and the Dutch association for green-space professionals VHG.

24 mei 2018

Slimme tools voor een verbonden campus

Slimme tools voor een verbonden campus

Het net gepubliceerde boek ‘Smart campus tools 2.0 – een internationele vergelijking’ illustreert hoe breed smart campus tools kunnen worden ingezet. Bart Valks, Monique Arkesteijn en Alexandra den Heijer (MBE) laten zien hoe smart campus tools kunnen worden ingezet om zowel de gebruikerservaring te verbeteren als vastgoedmanagement te optimaliseren.

24 mei 2018

Ghana kan leren van Nederlandse woningcorporaties

Ghana kan leren van Nederlandse woningcorporaties

Beheer van de woningvoorraad gaat in Ghana op veel plaatsen gepaard met chronisch achterstallig onderhoud. De werkwijze van Nederlandse woningcorporaties biedt handvatten voor een oplossing, blijkt uit onderzoek van promovendus Samson Aziabah.

09 mei 2018

Koopwoningmarkt staat onder druk

Veel vraag en (te) weinig aanbod zorgen voor een verdere koopprijsstijging in alle woningmarktgebieden. Ook de aanhoudende lage hypotheekrente en de inkomensgroei, die door de sterke economie vermoedelijk de komende paar jaar nog versterkt zullen doorzetten, dragen daaraan bij.

09 mei 2018

Urbanisation in the North Sea mapped out

Urbanisation in the North Sea mapped out

Guest researcher Nancy Couling set out to investigate the unseen urbanisation processes in the North Sea. At the halfway mark of her research, she has found several challenges for the North Sea: “We need to leave space for culture, heritage, and environmental values in order to make the North Sea a common space.”

09 mei 2018

Online learning for a circular economy

Our global society is not sustainable. Massive challenges like climate change and resource scarcity coincide with the desire to sustain our economies and offer opportunities for a growing world population. Explore the circular economy as a possible solution in these two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).