Delft University Fund launches new campaign: Tech for Impact

News - 27 March 2023

How can we make physical jobs more attractive? Can we speed up research on dementia? Can we make our campus an example of sustainability? And will ambitious students succeed in making seaweed aquaculture more sustainable? These four questions are at the heart of the new campaign of Delft University Fund: Tech for Impact 2023. 

Day in day out, TU Delft scientists and students work on pioneering projects that will have a positive impact on society. Delft University Fund brings this important work to the attention of alumni and raises funding for it. After Tech for Health and Tech for Energy, the fund is now launching Tech for Impact as this year’s campaign.

Four projects selected

Four appealing projects have been selected for the campaign. The work of researchers David Abbink, Dimphna Meijer and Andy van den Dobbelsteen and ambitious students supported by FAST. They are top scientists and students who dare to look beyond their own borders. Who enter into exciting collaborations or dare to do things radically differently. Everything with a focus on a positive change for the world around us. Tim van der Hagen about this campaign: “As Rector Magnificus of TU Delft, I see how important this support is in practice. Contributions from alumni help to accelerate research, make a pilot possible or give students the opportunity to realize ambitious ideas. I wholeheartedly support this campaign and hope you will join us.”

The donor chooses

New this year is that the donor can choose which project his or her donation goes to. The four projects are presented on where a choice can be made directly.