Humans of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science

Trisha de Jonge

"Unburdening" is the word that perhaps best describes me. I am a social person and I really enjoy organising and arranging things for others. Quantum and Computer Engineering has some very bright minds and it gives me a good feeling to take care of all work-related matters. So that everyone, from our students to PhD students and professors are relieved and can focus on education and innovation.

As a people person, I get a lot of support from social contact. A nice chat at the coffee machine, or walking into someone’s to open my heart, gives me energy. COVID thus made the past year very difficult at times. Because of working from home and the lockdowns, I talked to far fewer people, while at work I was very busy. Since June, I have been running our department all by myself, with the support of the Deputy Head of Department. Fortunately, I feel the support of home. My boyfriend prepares delicious food, and we have conversations and lots of laughter at home. Last summer we went on holiday together in Italy. Those are wonderful moments: lying in the Tuscan sun with a glass of wine and delicious Italian food. And I had already chosen all those places and restaurants in advance. ‘Unburdening’, like I said! I have even already started with the preparations for next year.

Unburdening others gives me joy.

Going to a sidewalk cafe, eating out and socialising with friends in my favourite pub are actually all hobbies of mine. Unfortunately, I won't be able to do that this winter because of the corona measures. But I do have my lovely dog Jay: a German Pincher, already 9 years old and full of energy. That means long walks in the woods or a walk on the beach. He is my passion and my life. In September, I also started playing chess: great fun! I am still a real beginner but the chessboard is already in the office. Bring it on! When everything is back to normal and the excitement on campus is back, anyone can come in. By the way, not only for a game of chess, but also for a chat or a nice cup of coffee. Because that is probably a moment for everyone to recharge, not just for me!