Internship opportunities

Here you can find an up-to-date overview of the available internships. You can also find these vacancies in the hall of the faculty on the board, to the right of the Applied Labs. To the right on this webpage you can find continuously available internships. Moreover you can have a look at the following webpages:

For more information about doing an internship you can contact the internship coordinator at:

Interested in doing an internship abroad, please read the information on Abroad carefully and look at the site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs visit:
Contact the internship coordinator on time!

Offering an internship opportunity? Send an description of one A4 to:

Incoming interns from outside TU Delft are referred to the information page of  TU Delft faculties. Here you can select your choice of faculty where you would like to do an internship and from there you can contact the relevant department, a supervisor, a professor or find an interesting track.  All faculties differ in the internship options open to students. Please be aware not all faculties accept interns.

Internship opportunities

2024-02-14 | Stage Deelmobiliteit (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat, Den Haag)

Ben je een vooruitstrevende student met een passie voor duurzaamheid en mobiliteit van de toekomst? Wil jij meebouwen aan een landelijke visie op deelmobiliteit? En bijdragen aan het beter bereikbaar maken van landelijke gebieden? Het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat in Den Haag zoekt stagiairs zoals jij om ons team te versterken en de weg vrij te maken voor deelmobiliteit.

2024-02-14 | Internship User Experience Research (SkillLab, Amsterdam)

At SkillLab, we envision a world where everyone has equal career opportunities. We enable and lead a radical change - a focus on skills instead of titles and degrees. Our AI-driven technology creates more inclusive and efficient labor markets. SkillLab is working with employment and career services in 25+ countries and seeks to transform labor and education markets globally.

2024-02-12 | Internship Market opportunities, business development and market deployment strategy (Flexous, Delft)

Our company is looking for students interested in working on identifying market opportunities, business analysis and strategic market placement of our cutting-edge products in the world of time-keeping.

2024-02-12 | Internship Design engineer (Manometric, Den Haag)

We are looking for a passionate, creative and skilled Design Engineering Intern. Manometric is transforming orthoses and prosthetics from necessities to products people love to wear. For a growing population with chronic diseases, we provide innovative medical products which relieve pain and enable users to perform their work and hobbies again. We work together closely with hospitals and clinics and offer high-end direct patient care throughout The Netherlands.

2024-02-12 | Internship Business development analysis & market deployment stategies (Kinegizer, Delft)

Kinergizer is a high-tech company from Delft and a leader in supplying high bandwidth energy harvesters for IoT and low-power remote electronic devices. Kinergizer turns wireless sensors into powered by generating electricity from movement: for example, when a train moves over the track or a remote device shakes. This could save our planet billions of toxic batteries and our industry billions of euros in maintenance costs for replacing batteries. Batteries may not be expensive, but battery replacement is!

2024-02-12 | 3-maand-stage Carbon content van Nederlandse stroom leveranciers (Sustainability Impact Metrics, Amsterdam)

Wij hebben jou nodig voor een project: het boven tafel krijgen van de carbon content (CO2/kWh) van de elektriciteit van de Nederlandse leveranciers van stroom op basis van de ingekochte stroom (dus niet op basis van de Guarantees of Origin).