Intreerede Georg Vrachliotis: The New Open

28 oktober 2022 15:00 t/m 16:00 - Locatie: Aula TU Delft - Door: Communicatie BK | Zet in mijn agenda

Op vrijdag 28 oktober geeft hoogleraar Georg Vrachliotis (Architecture) zijn intreerede 'The New Open'.

Consider a near future where data related to buildings and cities were open. Our built environment would look and feel different, and could perform radically new feats. If it was able to reflect us inclusively in our many diversities, could our future spaces become something close to sentient companions? If it was able to consider the needs of the planet and manage our lifestyles in the way it builds and sustains space, could our built environments have more impact on change than any other space? Architects Jaap Bakema, Frei Otto and Fritz Haller; the Club of Rome and the Bouwcentrum Rotterdam, laid the philosophical groundwork for an open data society, where democratic design informed public spaces. These innovators of the open data society also experimented with design systems, to better involve citizens in the design decisions of their cities, which transformed the architect's role from sole decision maker to moderator and curator of communication processes.The New Open builds on these historical references to inspire today’s visions for a future open data society.

Meer informatie

  • Georg Vrachliotis is hoogleraar Theory of Architecture and Digital Culture. Vind meer informatie op zijn hooglerarenpagina.