Lezing: Everyday geographies, neighbourhood effects and urban segregation

30 maart 2023 12:00 t/m 14:00 - Locatie: BERLAGEZAAL 2 - Door: Communication BK | Zet in mijn agenda

Op 30 maart vindt het lunchseminar 'Everyday geographies, neighbourhood effects and urban segregation' plaats, met spreker Julie Vallée.

In neighbourhood effects literature there is an emerging concern about people’s daily mobility and their everyday exposures beyond their neighbourhood of residence. However, it remains a surprising discrepancy between the high interest in places people visit throughout the day (i.e. their activity spaces) and the low interest in hourly variations of neighbourhood’s social composition resulting from people’s daily mobility. Similarly, hourly variations in neighbourhood’s social mix remain a blind spot in literature about urban segregation and area-based interventions, which are primarily studied from residential locations of inhabitants. Hourly rhythms constitute yet an important timescale not only for people but also for neighbourhoods and cities. In line with this idea, my recent work focuses on the “daycourse of places" and its relevance for understanding neighbourhood effects, urban segregation, and spatial patterns of social inequalities. This daycourse perspective is the common thread of the empirical studies I intend to present and discuss in this lunchtime talk. These empirical studies are part of the Mobiliscope project, an interactive geovisualisation platform giving open access to hourly variations in neighbourhood’s social composition (notably according to gender, age or educational groups) during a typical weekday within 58 city regions across 5 countries.

More information

  • Please send an email to Karin Visser, c.m.visser@tudelft if you want to attend this lecture.