Seminar: A healthy city for all

26 februari 2024 12:45 t/m 13:45 - Locatie: Berlagezalen - Door: Communicatie BK | Zet in mijn agenda

Op 26 februari vindt het seminar 'A healthy city for all: Exploring the impact of urban environments on health and health inequalities' plaats.

Speaker: Dr. Mariëlle Beenackers (Erasmus MC)

Dr. Mariëlle Beenackers is assistant professor at the Department of Public Health of Erasmus MC. Her research focusses on how the (urban) environment shapes and interacts with the (unequal) chances and challenges for health. Mariëlle gets energy from science that matters and likes the interaction between science, policy and practice. In addition to her academic role, Mariëlle therefore holds the position of Program lead of the Centre for Effective Public Health In the larger Rotterdam area and Theme lead on “healthy physical and social living environment for everyone” within the LDE Medical Delta Healthy Society programme.

More information

For more information, please contact Deepti Adlakha.