
182 resultaten

28 juni 2022

Collaborations by design

Collaborations by design

Addressing the complex challenges of today and tomorrow requires many actors, perspectives and disciplines. But forming effective and mutually beneficial collaborations can be challenging. Designing with Delft aims to facilitate this process, bringing researchers and educators from the university together with innovators from organisations to identify common goals, define a shared vision and develop concrete plans for collaborations.

23 juni 2022

Structural optimality vs aesthetics. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to achieve both?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could achieve structural optimality and visual appeal at the same time? Well, the recent work of IDE researchers Jun Wu, Paul Hekkert, and DfI master’s students Shannon Loos, Sytze van der Wolk, and Nina de Graaf demonstrates that it is possible. To find out how, be sure to click the link below and read their paper, “Towards intentional aesthetics within topology optimization by applying the principle of unity-in-variety”, which was published last week in the journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization.

23 juni 2022

Opening Mondai: House of AI

Opening Mondai: House of AI

Het nieuwe House of AI, Mondai, heeft donderdag officieel de deuren geopend op de TU Delft Campus. In Mondai zullen wetenschap, onderwijs en innovatie op het gebied van AI samenkomen aan de hand van een programmering van lezingen, workshops, hackathons en andere events voor studenten, alumni, wetenschappers, professionals en geïnteresseerd publiek.

22 juni 2022

Onderzoekers ontwerpen bluetooth dat blijft werken zonder continue stroom

Onderzoekers ontwerpen bluetooth dat blijft werken zonder continue stroom

Internet of Things nu mogelijk zónder batterijen of continue stroom, dankzij de uitvinding van ‘intermittently-powered bluetooth’ FreeBie

09 juni 2022

IDE Design for Sustainability team acquires three NWO projects

The Design for Sustainability team at IDE has acquired three collaborative NWO circular design projects. While each project is unique, they collectively contribute to a knowledge pool that addresses how products can be designed from the start to keep them from entering the waste stream for as long as possible. The projects range from investigating how wind turbine blades can be designed better to improve their re-use and material longevity (LICHEN-Blades), to developing electronics that can be recycled better (Circular Circuits), to addressing harmful substances in products so they can be used over multiple life-cycles (Safe-by-Design Circular Products).

08 juni 2022

Energietransitie centraal in TU Delft-onderwijs

Energietransitie centraal in TU Delft-onderwijs

On Thursday 9 June, the TU Delft campus will be buzzing like never before. On that day, students will be presenting their ideas on how to accelerate the energy transition. Over the past six months, more than 15,000 TU Delft students have followed a course on energy transition. This has resulted in a large number of ideas and prototypes that can be seen on 9 June during the Energy Challenge Event, which is part of TU Delft's anniversary year.

07 juni 2022

Spark! Living Lab Blockchain Conference

Spark! Living Lab Blockchain Conference

Come during our free annual Spark! event to know everything about blockchain applications in logistics. You may go home with an application that solves your challenges!