Design for Healthcare

IDE Design Master Class for Professionals

Mapping health journeys to create meaningful and sustainable solutions for healthcare

The organization of care is a complex process in which different organizations, healthcare professionals and patients are involved. When designing for this complex domain, designers need to map complex healthcare scenarios, involve users and stakeholders to discover their needs, identify opportunities, and create meaningful and sustainable solutions to improve quality of care. A holistic and human-centered approach is needed to contribute to a safe and humane, high-quality healthcare system.  


In this Master Class Human-Centered Design for Healthcare, you get acquainted with different human-centered design research methods and learn how to map a health journey. Health journeys are comprehensive representations of a distributed health care system, including all actors, interactions and processes that take place in that system, as well as experiences from a patient’s perspective. Health journeys allows to identify design opportunities for new product and service systems for s given medical context. In addition to identifying design opportunities, a health journey provides insights into the socio-technical system within which the new service or product-service combination needs to function.

IDE’s healthcare research programme and Medisign IDE Master specialisation is closely connected to the Master Class.

Learning Objectives

During this Master Class, you will:

  • Create a systematic overview and better understanding of a medical context.
  • Broaden your toolset for exploring and collecting the needs and experiences of patients and medical professionals.
  • Gain insight in interactions, emotions and barriers for the patient and other actors.
  • Learn to have a holistic approach on a medical context and viewing the problem from different perspectives.
  • Identify opportunities for new service or product-service combinations.


  • Human-centered design research methods
  • Patient participation and involvement of healthcare professionals
  • Health journey mapping
  • Many examples from IDE’s healthcare research and education programme



9:00 Registration and welcome coffee
9:30 Health journey mapping – Case introduction, healthcare context and actors
13:00 Lunch
at the 'Porceleyne Fles'
14:00 Human-Centered Design research methods for healthcare and patient participation
17:30 End of the first day
9:30 Health journey mapping – continued
13:00 Lunch
at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
14:00 Health journey mapping – continued
17:00 Wrap-up
17:30 Drinks and closing

Practical Information

Handouts of all lectures will be provided with space for personal notes.

How to prepare?
This masterclass requires no specific preparation, but we invite you to prepare one or two slides to introduce yourself to the group and mail the slides a day before the Master Class to IDE Master Classes

We will use the article Innovating health care: key characteristics of human-centered design as a reference for the Master Class. You can download the article on and we invite you to read the article prior to the Master Class.

After the course
Two months after the course, a pre-set consultation timeslot will be offered to all participants to share experiences and ask questions to the IDE Master Class. The format and the timing will be discussed with the participants during the IDE Master Class.